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Understanding Breach of Contract: Types and Remedies


Contracts are agreements between two or more parties and can be written or verbal. In any business and legal agreement, contracts play an important role in binding the parties involved to their respective agreed-upon obligations. However, there are instances when one party fails to fulfill its obligations or breaches the terms of the contract. In such cases, it is important to understand the types of breach of contract and the remedies available to the affected party. This blog will provide an overview of breach of contract, its types, and the remedies available.

What is a breach of contract?

A breach of contract is when one party breaks the terms and conditions of a binding agreement. A breach of contract can take many forms and action can be taken to remedy the damages caused by a breach of contract.

Types of breach of contract

There are different types of breach of contract, including minor breach, material breach, anticipatory breach, and fundamental breach. 

  • Minor Breach: When one party fails to perform a less significant part of the contract. For example, you buy a car from a seller who promises a delivery date of one week, but you receive it in two weeks.
  • Material Breach: When one party fails to perform a significant part of the contract. For example, you buy a functioning car from a seller and receive a car that does not function.
  • Anticipatory Breach: When one party does not intend to deliver their obligation in the contract. For example, you buy a car from a seller who promises a delivery date of one week but before the delivery date you receive a message that due to unforeseen circumstances the seller will not be able to deliver to you the car.

Speaking with an experienced attorney can be beneficial to better understand your options. 

Remedies for breach of contract

When a breach of contract occurs, the non-breaching party may seek legal remedies to address the harm or losses suffered as a result. The available remedies depend on the nature and extent of the breach, as well as the terms specified in the contract. It can be helpful to seek guidance from a breach of contract attorney to ensure you are familiar with the options available to you. Here are some common remedies for breach of contract:

  • Damages: 
    • Compensatory Damages: The non-breaching party would be compensated for the actual financial losses suffered as a direct result of the breach. The goal is to put the non-breaching party in the position they would have been in if the contract had been fulfilled. 
    • Consequential Damages: Also known as special or indirect damages, these are damages that arise because of the breach but are not a direct result. For example, lost profits or additional expenses due to the breach of contract.
  • Specific Performance:  Specific performance is typically available in cases where monetary damages are insufficient to remedy the harm caused by the breach, such as in unique or rare contractual situations. This remedy involves a court order requiring the breaching party to fulfill their contractual obligations as specified in the agreement.
  • Cancellation and Restitution: The non-breaching party may choose to cancel the contract and seek restitution, aiming to be returned to the position they were in before entering the contract. 
  • Injunction: In certain situations, a court may issue an injunction to prevent the breaching party from taking certain actions or to enforce specific terms of the contract. This remedy is more common in contracts involving ongoing relationships or services.
  • Liquidated Damages: Some contracts include a provision specifying a predetermined amount of damages to be paid in the event of a breach. These are known as liquidated damages and must be a reasonable estimate of the actual damages likely to result from the breach.

It’s essential to carefully review the terms of the contract and consult with a breach of contract attorney to determine the most appropriate remedy for a specific breach. The choice of remedy will depend on various factors, including the nature of the breach, the type of contract, and applicable laws.

Avoiding breach of contract

This section will provide tips for avoiding breach of contract, including the importance of clear and concise contract terms, effective communication between the parties involved, and the need for proper documentation. 

  • Clear and Detailed Contract: Ensure that when you draft a contract it is clear, specific, and detailed. Clearly outline the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of each party. Ambiguities or vague language can lead to misunderstandings and disputes.
  • Legal Review: Have legal professionals review your contracts before finalizing them. An experienced breach of contract attorney can identify potential issues, ensure legal compliance, and help you draft a contract that is legally sound.
  • Understand the Contract: Take the time to thoroughly understand the terms and conditions of the contract before signing. If there are any unclear provisions, seek clarification from the other party or legal counsel.
  • Realistic Expectations: Ensure that the terms of the contract are realistic and achievable. Unrealistic expectations or overly ambitious commitments can set the stage for failure and potential breaches.
  • Open Communication: Maintain open and honest communication with the other party throughout the duration of the contract. If issues or difficulties arise, address them promptly and work collaboratively to find solutions.
  • Document Changes: If there are changes to the original agreement, document them in writing and have both parties acknowledge and sign off on the modifications. This helps avoid misunderstandings and disputes over any changes that may occur to the contract.
  • Performance Monitoring: Regularly monitor and assess the performance of both parties to ensure they are meeting their contractual obligations. The early detection of potential issues allows for timely intervention and resolution.
  • Contingency Planning: Develop contingency plans for potential challenges or disruptions that could impact contract performance. This may involve setting up alternative suppliers, having backup plans, or including force majeure clauses in contracts to address unforeseen events.
  • Stay Informed: Stay informed about changes in laws and regulations that may affect the terms of the contract. This proactive approach helps prevent inadvertent breaches due to non-compliance with legal requirements.
  • Professional Relationships: Build and maintain professional relationships with the parties involved. A positive working relationship can foster cooperation and a willingness to address issues constructively rather than resorting to legal action.
  • Performance Guarantees and Bonding: Utilizing performance guarantees or bonding mechanisms, such as performance bonds or letters of credit, provides assurance that contractual obligations will be met.

By implementing these tips and best practices when you draft a contract, you can reduce the probability of a breach of contract and contribute to a more successful and collaborative business environment.

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No matter what type of contract breach you face, Valero Law Firm PLLC can help. Contact us today for a free consultation.


Breach of contract can have serious consequences for businesses, and it is important for all parties to understand the types of breach of contract and the remedies available. By following best practices and taking steps to avoid breaches, businesses can minimize their risks and protect their interests.

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