Boundary Disputes

Do you have a dispute over property lines?

house and magnifying glass

How We Can Help

Boundary disputes are legal disagreements that arise between neighboring property owners regarding the location of their property lines. These types of disputes can occur for various reasons, such as unclear property descriptions, misunderstandings, or deliberate boundary encroachments. In such cases, an impartial judge may be required to review the evidence and make a ruling on the location of the boundary line. If you are facing a boundary dispute, Valero Law has qualified attorneys who can help you.

Understand your legal rights and obligations 

Conduct Research on Property Boundaries


Prepare and file legal documents (property deed, surveys, title reports, zoning ordinances)

Negotiate with the opposing party to reach a fair settlement ​

Represent you in court

Legal Expertise You Can Rely On

Legal Blogs

Our Location

Valero Law PLLC :
150 SE 2nd Ave #311
Miami FL 33131

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