Eminent Domain

Do you have a problem protecting your private property?

house and magnifying glass

How We Can Help

Real estate eminent domain refers to the government’s power to take private property for public use. Condemnation is the process by which the government takes the property and compensates the owner with fair market value. The government can only exercise this power if the property is being used for public use such as building highways, schools, or other public facilities. If you are facing eminent domain or condemnation proceedings, Valero Law can ensure your rights are protected.

Understand your legal rights and obligations (commercial and residential)​​

Receive fair compensation for your property

Negotiate contracts

Ensure the government follows proper legal procedures 

file lawsuits

Represent you in court

Legal Expertise You Can Rely On

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Our Location

Valero Law PLLC :
150 SE 2nd Ave #311
Miami FL 33131

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