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Legal Considerations for Commercial Lease Contract Breaches


Whether you are a landlord or tenant, commercial lease contracts are critical legal documents that help protect both parties’ rights. However, disputes can still arise, and breaches of a lease contract can have significant financial and legal consequences. 

Therefore, parties involved in these contracts should understand commercial lease breaches and their legal implications. Additionally, whether you are a landlord or tenant, you should seek legal recourse to safeguard your interests and investments. 

Understanding Breaches of a Commercial Lease Contract

Lease contracts are breached when a party violates contract terms or does not fulfill its responsibilities as outlined in the agreement. Some of the common types of commercial lease breaches are:

  • Non-payment of rent: Tenant fails to pay the rent in full or on time.
  • Increasing rent without notice: Landlords fail to provide notice of rent increases within a reasonable timeframe or as required by the contract.
  • Unauthorized property use: Tenants use the property for any other reason except as described in the lease agreement.
  • Evicting without notice: Landlords fail to provide adequate eviction notices to enforce evictions legally.
  • Failure to maintain or repair the property: Tenants or landlords fail to keep the property in good condition or make necessary repairs as outlined in the lease agreement.
  • Unauthorized property modifications: Tenants change the property’s structure or function without the landlord’s permission.
  • Subletting without permission: Tenants sublet the property to someone else without the landlord’s approval.

Furthermore, some consequences of these violations may include:

  • Legal action: Landlords and tenants may take legal action against the other party to enforce the lease terms. This may consist of evictions or lawsuits, resulting in costly litigation.
  • Financial impact: A breach of lease can result in financial penalties, such as fines or damages, loss of security deposits, late payment fees, accrued interest charges, and so on. Parties in litigation over the dispute will also incur legal fees and expenses.
  • Lease termination: If the breach of lease is severe, either party can move to terminate the lease. This can result in eviction, lawsuits, or financial loss.
  • Difficulty obtaining future leases: Contract breaches may be recorded in leasing history, making it more difficult for the breaching party to secure contracts in the future.

It is important to note that consequences for each breach of lease vary by the terms of each lease. So, parties should conduct due diligence and review their contract to make informed decisions and avoid disputes. If facing challenges, seeking counsel from a qualified contract lawyer is advisable.  

Additionally, laws governing these breaches vary by state and jurisdiction. So, those involved in commercial lease disputes should evaluate each party’s rental rights. This can help ensure compliance with state and local laws.

Legal Remedies for Breaches 

Whether you are a landlord or tenant, several legal remedies are available for commercial lease breaches. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Monetary Damages: The non-breaching party is compensated for any losses or damages suffered because of the breach. How much money is awarded depends on the extent of the harm suffered by the non-breaching party, the lease terms, and other related factors.
  • Specific Performance: This remedy requires the breaching party to perform their contractual obligations as specified in the lease. This is typically used when monetary damages are insufficient to compensate the non-breaching party for their losses.
  • Termination of the Lease: Serious lease breaches may allow the non-breaching party to terminate the agreement.
  • Injunctions: This remedy helps prevent the breaching party from continuing to breach the contract. It is typically used in cases where monetary damages would not be sufficient to compensate the non-breaching party for their losses.

Once again, the availability of these remedies depends on the specific terms of each contract, the nature of the breach of lease, and state law. Thus, it is recommended to consult a contract lawyer when commercial lease disputes initially arise. A legal expert can help you determine your unique situation’s best course of action.

Preventing Breaches of a Commercial Lease Contract

Finally, the goal of any contract is to ensure lawful, successful business transactions between contracting parties. So, once you understand commercial lease breaches, you should consider methods that can prevent these disputes from arising in the first place:

  • Do your research: This includes researching the property’s condition and each party’s financial stability and reputation. Always conduct due diligence before engaging in a binding agreement.
  • Draft clear, specific lease terms: Clear, unambiguous lease terms help avoid confusion by precisely defining party obligations and consequences. This will ultimately minimize risks of misinterpretation and maximize productivity and desired results. Consulting with a proficient contract lawyer at this stage can be highly useful, ensuring that the lease is not only legally sound but also comprehensible.
  • Review and revise the contract: Lease agreements should be periodically reviewed and revised. Your lease should be consistent with current laws and regulations to ensure the contract serves its purpose and protects the rights of all parties.
  • Communicate with other parties: Routine, honest communication between contracting parties will prevent misunderstandings and help deter conflict. Address your concerns as they arise and consider mediation if this becomes an issue.
  • Establish dispute resolution mechanisms: These include mediation, arbitration, or other forms of dispute resolution and should be clearly outlined in the contract to ensure compliance.
  • Hire an attorney: It is always recommended to consult experienced real estate attorneys to draft or review lease agreements. These professionals can ensure the document is legally sound and in your best interest. 

Essentially, you want to include provisions in your contract to help you avoid costly litigation and legal battles if disputes arise. Landlords and tenants who take advantage of these preventative measures can minimize risks and maintain effective, long-lasting business relationships.


Commercial lease contracts are essential legal documents that help landlords and tenants achieve desired results. Thus, parties involved in these agreements should understand their legal implications to make informed decisions and safeguard their investments. 

Lastly, you should seek legal recourse when necessary. Most firms even offer free consultations where you can obtain the insight you need at no cost. 

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