boundary sign

Navigating Boundary Disputes: A Legal Perspective on Property Lines and Resolutions


Property lines distinguish one plot of land from another by defining its boundaries and limits. These imaginary lines allow owners to protect their privacy, develop their land, and avoid trespassing on neighboring properties. Thus, boundary disputes occur when one owner encroaches on their neighbor’s property.

Owners experiencing a boundary dispute should communicate with their neighbors and consult an attorney, such as a contract lawyer, if necessary. These disputes can be complicated; many legal factors and implications must be considered. If a property owner hesitates to act, they could risk losing the portion of the property that is the subject of the dispute. 

Understanding Property Lines

Property lines and boundary lines are synonymous terms used to define the legal boundaries or limits of a plot of land. Property owners can use various resources to help them determine their boundary lines. These include checking the property deed, using Google Maps, checking online public databases such as the Florida Public Property Records, and hiring a professional surveyor to assess property lines accurately.

Typically, an owner’s property deed will reveal its boundary lines; however, there are a few exceptions that may overrule this determination:

    • Boundary by agreement: When there is uncertainty about true property lines, neighboring property owners may agree upon boundary lines.
    • Boundary by acquiescence: To be enforceable, the law of acquiescence must apply to the boundary dispute and adhere to the statute of limitations. Essentially, it determines property lines by evaluating past agreements, actions, or inactions about the property line from previous owners and neighbors.
    • Boundary by estoppel: A property owner implies consent of boundary lines when (1) they know the true boundary lines but (2) allows a neighboring owner to encroach upon the property anyway. It should be noted that a boundary by estoppel is challenging to establish and prove in the event of a dispute.
    • Boundary by adverse possession: An individual acquires a property title because they possessed it for a certain period of time. Adverse possession has certain conditions and can occur with or without the property owner’s knowledge. 

These circumstances may sometimes supersede the boundary lines described in a property deed. However, this depends on each unique situation and the dispute’s jurisdiction. Property owners should consult legal experts for viable options.

Property Line Issues

Boundary disputes ultimately derive from common property line issues, such as:

  • Zoning problems: Zoning allows local governments to regulate land use in a particular area. Conflicts arise when these regulations obstruct how property owners want to use or develop their land.
  • Title issues: Adjoining property owners disagree over who owns a piece of land, such as an alleyway or the space between two properties.
  • Encroachments: Existing improvements, such as a new driveway, fence, or storage shed, are built in the wrong lot. This constitutes property encroachment, and litigation or mediation may be required to resolve the dispute successfully.
  • Easements: An agreement between two parties in which one party is granted land access in exchange for a fee. For example, utility easements allow companies to run power lines through personal property. 

Additionally, private easements may occur when adjoining property owners agree to exchange land use for a fee. Easements by necessity also exist. For example, if two property owners share a driveway, they are operating under an easement by necessity. In such cases, the portion of the land is shared without a need to pay fees for using the land.  

Legal Options for Resolving Boundary Disputes

A boundary dispute will vary and may require a different approach depending on each situation. Additionally, property owners should take progressive measures to resolve conflicts before immediately resorting to costly legal remedies, like filing a lawsuit.

For example, suppose your neighbor encroaches on your property by building a fence within your boundary lines. In that case, you should first discuss the issue with your neighbor and attempt to reach an amicable solution. If communication does not work, have an attorney send a cease-and-desist letter. Essentially, the letter will describe the unlawful action, demand that it be discontinued, and detail the possible legal consequences of non-compliance.

Finally, if your neighbor does not adhere to the letter, you may have to file a lawsuit to have a judge order the fence’s removal. The court may require a professional surveyor to determine accurate boundaries and establish clear property limits.

To properly dispute an issue with boundary lines, property owners can consider the following:

  1. Check legal documents: Review your property deed, purchase agreement, and previous surveys to locate the legal description of your property lines and their limits.
  2. Consult an attorney: Based on your findings, you may want to consider discussing the issue during a free consultation with a contract lawyer. This will better equip you to negotiate a solution with your neighbor.
  3. Communicate with your neighbor: Try to reach an amicable solution with your neighbor. You can work together to create a boundary agreement and establish clear property lines.
  4. Hire a surveyor: If you cannot agree with your neighbor, consider hiring a surveyor to measure and mark boundary limits. Although doing so will require additional fees, a surveyor can also provide you with a report and map of your property. This can be used as evidence in court if necessary.
  5. Send a cease-and-desist letter: If the dispute is ongoing and disrupts your ability to use and develop your property as you wish, an attorney can send a cease-and-desist letter
  6. Negotiate a solution: Mediation and arbitration are legal remedies used to facilitate communication and negotiate a solution between property owners. It is less costly and time-consuming than going to court and can provide owners with the relief they seek.
  7. Litigate the dispute: This should be used after exhausting all other options. Litigation involves hiring a lawyer, filing a lawsuit, and taking the dispute to court for a judge to decide. It will incur additional expenses, such as court costs and attorney’s fees, but it will provide you with a final solution.

Tips for Preventing Boundary Disputes

You can prevent a boundary dispute from arising in the first place by conducting due diligence before purchasing a property. This can help ensure you know your property’s boundaries and limits and your rights as an owner. Additionally, you can hire a surveyor to determine accurate property lines.

You should also consider the importance of encouraging open communication with your neighbors. This can help you understand each other’s rights and perspectives. If disputes arise in the future, you will be better equipped to handle the situation with greater ease. You can also maintain your property lines by placing boundary markers or fences to reveal a clear distinction. Keep in mind that it is best to do this only after learning your property’s true limits.  

Finally, it is essential to emphasize the importance of knowing your local zoning and land use laws. These differ by state and jurisdiction and can significantly impact your property dispute. Because of this, it is recommended to consult a legal expert, such as a contract lawyer, with your concerns to determine the best available options and secure an outcome in your best interest.


Navigating a boundary dispute can be complicated and stressful. While it is crucial to understand the legal aspects of property lines, it is equally important to communicate with your neighbors and attempt to reach amicable solutions if conflicts arise. 

Property owners should always consult legal experts for viable options and explore all possible avenues before taking legal action. By doing so, owners can successfully resolve a boundary dispute and protect their rights.

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