signing document

How to Dispute a Signed Contract: A Step-by-Step Guide


Contracts are legally binding agreements that outline the terms and conditions of an agreement between parties. Although these contracts are binding, disputes may arise for various reasons. For example, if a party fails to fulfill their contractual obligations or if the contracting parties misinterpret the agreement.

So, whether you are a business owner, employee, or individual, it is essential to know how to effectively dispute a signed contract and how an attorney can help you navigate the process.

Reasons for Disputing a Signed Contract

First, there are a few reasons why you might need to dispute a signed contract. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Breach of Contract: One or both parties do not uphold their contractual obligations. 
    • Example: A tenant and a landlord sign a lease agreement containing a clause that states pets are not permitted on the premises. The tenant later obtains and keeps a pet in the residence, thereby breaching the contract.
  • Fraud: A party intentionally misrepresents or withholds important information, purposefully misleading the other party. 
    • Example: A party signs a contract claiming they are licensed in their proposed field. However, the party intentionally misrepresented their qualifications to do the job, thereby committing fraud.
  • Duress: A party is forced or coerced into signing an agreement. This can include blackmail, extortion, or other threats.
    • Example: Two parties sign a contractual agreement. Later, Party A threatens to withhold payment if Party B does not agree to renegotiate the contract’s terms. Thus, Party B concedes to the coercion of Party A, thereby signing the renegotiated contract under duress.
  • Misinterpretations: The agreement terms are unclear, or parties have different understandings about what they mean.
    • Example: Two parties sign a contract containing a clause providing for the “scope of work” to be performed by one party. Later, when the performing party completes the “scope of work” the parties learn that each misinterpreted what was intended to be the “scope of work”.
  • Mistake of fact or law: A party signs an agreement containing mistaken facts.
    • Example: A buyer signed a purchase agreement for a 2023 car model. Later, the buyer learns the car is, in fact, a 2020 model, thereby causing a mistake of fact dispute. 

It is important to note that these conflicts can produce significant legal and financial repercussions, including fines, penalties, damages, and reputable harm. Thus, to successfully navigate the intricacies of a contract dispute, you should understand the steps involved in the process and consider seeking guidance from a contract dispute lawyer.

Steps to Dispute a Signed Contract

Consider these steps if you need to dispute a signed contract. Remember that this process may vary by state and jurisdiction, so you should consult with a contract dispute lawyer to assess your specific situation most accurately. In general, the steps you can take are as follows:

  1. Review your contract: Review the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement. Be sure to understand the language and its implications. Additionally, consider how the agreement outlines each party’s obligations.
  2. Gather evidence: Collect all contracts and addendums, and prior drafts of contracts of addendums, as well as all communications between the parties, photographs, and any other documentation that may be evidence of a breach.
  3. Consult with an attorney: This is a crucial step. You do not have to hire an attorney immediately, as most firms offer free consultations. However, it would be best to obtain sound legal advice before moving forward.
  4. Provide notice: If you determine a valid, legal reason to dispute the agreement, you must notify the other parties involved. The notice should be in writing and specify the nature, evidence, and desired outcome of your claim.
  5. Negotiate: Attempt to resolve the dispute through mutually beneficial solutions that work for both parties. Provide them with the evidence supporting your position and listen to their side of the argument. Renegotiate the terms and revise the contract or concede to terminate it altogether. 

Whenever possible, try to come to a mutual agreement with the parties involved. Ultimately, it will be less costly and time-consuming than hiring a lawyer. If negotiation fails, consider alternative methods of dispute resolution.

Alternative Methods of Contract Dispute Resolution

It is essential to consider alternative dispute resolution processes before taking the problem to court. Using these techniques can save time, money, and stress. Some methods include:

  • Mediation: If negotiation fails, engage a neutral third party to help mediate a settlement. The mediator will facilitate communication to help find mutually beneficial solutions.
  • Litigation: If mediation fails, consider filing a lawsuit and taking the dispute to court. This may involve suing for damages or compensation. Litigation is the most formal and costly method of resolving a contract dispute, but it is sometimes necessary to finally resolve the matter. 

If you find yourself in a severe contract dispute, you want to be prepared. This includes having a lawful cause for the disagreement, evidence to support your position, and a sound legal strategy to pursue your claim.

Tips for Successfully Disputing a Signed Contract

Next, consider some tips on increasing the chances of successfully disputing a signed contract:

  • Consider the validity of a verbal contract before committing to or disputing the agreement.
  • Before making decisions, clarify possible misconceptions about the terms of the agreement with those involved.
  • Consult a legal expert, such as a contract dispute lawyer, with your concerns.
  • Keep records of communication with other parties, including emails, letters, text messages, and phone calls.
  • Keep records of business or financial transactions with other parties, including receipts, invoices, wire transfers, etc.
  • Keep records of other evidence supporting your position if things do not go as planned. These include the contract, purchase orders, delivery notes, relevant photos, videos, tangible properties, testimonial evidence, etc.
  • Always review your contract and communicate with parties to ensure everyone understands their contractual obligations.
  • Consider hiring an attorney to draft or review agreements before signing them. This will help ensure that the contract’s terms are clear, legally binding, and in your best interest.

Initiate Legal Action

When negotiations and legal advice do not lead to a resolution, it is best to initiate legal action. Contact a lawyer specializing in contract law and explain the situation to them. They can review the contract and guide you on potential legal options. If the dispute escalates to litigation, your lawyer can help you reach a settlement in your best interest.


Disputing a signed contract can be a complex and stressful process, but protecting your rights and interests is vital. By understanding what causes disputes and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can protect your interests and achieve a favorable outcome.

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